The Possum-Merino Felt Project
Possum-merino fibre and felt is super soft, super warm and excellent next to the skin.
We have a 72" FeltlLoom and can make:
- pre-felt of varying thicknesses and stages of felt-making; and
- fulled felt of varying thicknesses. Our fulled felt has the additional stage of being hot washed and hot dried in a commercial laundry, which shrinks the fabric about 30%, resulting in a very tightly felted and durable fabric which can be cut and stitched as a fabric.
If you're interested in pre-felt or felt, please phone me so we can talk and I can get a feel for your requirements and make you some samples for your consideration.
We also have
- possum-merino sliver in bags for spinners and wet-felters, and hand needle-felters. We can send this to customers overseas. Please visit our online shop.
If you have a specific requirement for pre-felt or fulled felt,
please contact me directly so we can talk through your needs and
so I can develop some samples for your consideration.
Weighing out 100g of sliver and rolling it on a tube, so it can be easily used by spinners, unravelling from the centre.
Possum trapper Julian Bracegirdle from Taranaki, New Zealand, talks with Elisabeth Cave about possum trapping - and in particular how fibre artists around the world can help NZ solve two terrible environmental problems.
Elisabeth making felt on the FeltLoom.
Elisabeth making a very thick piece of felt on the FeltLoom.
This is a photo story of the Possum-Merino Felt project, starting with the arrival of the FeltLoom from Kentucky USA.
Click on the photos to learn more.
The Possum-Merino Felt Project Ltd is a project between 3 friends, Elisabeth Cave (Hokitika), Heather Gilbert (Kaikoura), and Julian Bracegirdle, (Taranaki), in New Zealand.
We want to test our thoughts that there is untapped potential for possum-merino fibre to be used as a felt, rather than just as a yarn.
We also see this as a potential way of paying possum trappers properly for their efforts, to encourage ground-based and toxin-free solutions to solve the 'possum problem', in a way which is swift and humane - rather than the extreme cruelty of aerial 1080 poisoning - and which does not compromise other animals, birds, bees and insects, or the enviroment or groundwater (and subsequent sea life).
If you don't know what 'aerial 1080 poisoning' means, it means flying helicopters over the native bush and mechanically ejecting poisoned food baits out from hoppers suspended under the helicopters, into the bush below, to deliberately to kill possums, and rats and stoats.
We invite you to do some research into the concerns about 1080, from both ordinary New Zealanders and from our government, who in 2019 committed $20 million to research alternatives to 1080.
We see an extraordinary untapped potential for fibre artists, small manufacturers and small fibre mills around the world to not only experience and directly benefit from of possum-merino fibre, but also - amazingly! - to help New Zealand solve some huge environmental problems.
The two fibres have been commercially blended and carded by Wild Earth Yarns (Christchurch) into batting and sliver, in a ratio of 25% possum to 75% merino. We use the batting in our Feltloom to make pre-felt and fulled felt. We send the sliver direct to customers for spinning and hand felt making.
If you're looking for unprocessed possum fibre, we have a sister website and shop at
Feel free to contact me directly for more information.
134 Golf Links Road
New Zealand64 27 451 4081
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